Saturday, December 4, 2010

Past Crafts

I decided to post these for two reasons: 1) I'm kind of making this my craft place, and 2) With all the party reviews I have to post up, I thought I should break up the monotony with something or things pretty to look at. I'll list supplies, vendors (if applicable), and year created as I post the end results!

I'm planning to post new pictures of my newest barrettes and finish my painting projects a plenty to post them up in the extreme near future.

Supplies: Nails (for hanging), Acrylic Paints (Michael's), Spray Can Sealant (Wal-Mart)
Year: 2008

I got this while they did ceiling tile free samples, although they've since discontinued that. It's sizeable at about 20" x 20". I painted a few coats of acrylic paint on the tile until happy and sealed it with a spray on. I hung it with nails in the upper corners but will need to paint them white to "hide" them still. This is wall art for my living room.

Supplies: Glue Gun, Plastic Sheeting (Lowes), Flowers -- Pressed (Bouquet/Gift), Name Tags (Home Printed)
Year: 2008

I made this from flowers in a bouquet that was a surprise from B. The tags are the common name of each flower. These are wall art. I bought picture/canvas hangers at Michael's and attached them with my trusty hot glue gun.

Simply, press your flowers. Cut your sheeting to size and glue the four corners (and tag if chosen). Voila! Wall art coasters. :)

Supplies: Wood Letters (Michael's), Acrylic Paints (Wal-Mart), Ribbon (Wal-Mart), Nails (Lowes), Stickers (Michael's), Baby (Self-Produced)
Year: 2007

We picked up the wood letters from Michael's and painted them alternating sage green & bright blue with white sides. The ribbon on the smaller letters is actually the same ribbon used for the baby shower and is a more bright green. The stickers were jungle themed and just stuck onto the upper letters.

The baby is less than two weeks old. ;)

Supplies: Frame, Mat (optional), Alphabet Photography
Year: 2007

Word Art. The upper one was intended to be printed and framed/matted for my parents. The lower one was intended to be framed/matted for my house in the entry most likely. This is just the picture base. I have the frames, just haven't printed them.

I found the inspiration from on the Decorating and Renovating board in 2007. I'm not sure if the same posters are even there anymore. I know the pictures were on a flickr account and could likely be found by looking for alphabet photography?

Inquiring minds might also check out the Crafts board on thenest for posters who may know of some. I know some of the ladies went looking in their own cities for things that stuck out as alphabetical to make their own unique ones.

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