But without further adieu, I give you the stocking! We picked polar bears, arctic foxes, and puffins for 2 reasons: 1) They're on his favorite Diego movie and he can name them all by shape without any prompting, 2) They're all in the actual winter zone and relatively easy to put together.
This was when I had everything pretty well pinned. I really loved the way that this looked before the beading and the facial additions. Those fox legs were so tiny they were a big challenge to stuff and sew.
The detail work on the puffin was the hardest thing I've done to date with felt. There was so many tiny pieces to work with and sew.
The polar bear details. Due to the width of the bears, it kind of looks like Mama Bear is checking out Baby Bear's bottom. Oops?
My cute little fox. This guy was so challenging on the legs and stuffing the tail! There are also teeny little ears that don't show well in the photo but are easy to see in person. I love this little guy.
Fun Fact: Arctic Foxes often follow female polar bears with young because they'll scavenge the carcasses that the bears abandon after their meal. Clever little buggers.
Now that we've got all the cuteness out of the way, I wanted to cover the internal stitching so I didn't worry about sharp edges over the years snagging the threads and yanking on them. So we grabbed some Elmer's Spray Adhesive and gave an extra strip a go to cover it, as pictured here (but on B's stocking).
Then I just flipped it "inside out" by matching the face of the stocking to the back, pinning it in place and hand-sewing it completely finished. Just pulled it right side out and voila!
My finished product! Cole is ecstatic about it. Unfortunately, he's annoyed that I won't let him just have it. I bet he'll forgive me when he realizes the purpose of the stocking on Christmas morning. :)
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