Monday, December 6, 2010

About Me: Day 01

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

First things first, a picture of me:

This was taken during our photography session with Trizza Grantham Photography. October 20th, 2010. Less than two months old is recent, right? Hah.

And 15 interesting things about me. This one is a bit more difficult for me. What does interesting make? I suppose I'll list things that are a bit more personal and call it good for all my non-existent e-stalkers.

1. I'm a crafting enthusiast. I firmly believe that home-made is the very best. I adore crafting blogs more than most anything else online.

2. While I'm a follower to quite a few blogs I adore, I've yet to devote much time to commenting on them, so much as absorbing ideas and inspiration from the creative geniuses behind them!

3. I have a great deal of passion for animals and children -- the most loyal and innocent beings in existence. They hold a special spot in my heart. I'm what one would call an activist for both, yet nothing overly extreme.

4. I over-think things. On a regular basis. I frequently over-think the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'll sometimes lay awake at night for hours just thinking, unable to shut my mind off.

5. Point Reyes is my favorite place in the world, not that I've seen too much of the world to make that a fair statement!

6. I tend to stick close to a few people and hold others at arm's length. When I have my people, I have them. All the rest are just nice company.

7. I'm much too over-emotional. If you're close to me, you've definitely seen me cry. If you're not close to me, you've probably seen me cry.

8. I'm obsessed with planning. I plan everything. I make lists of movies to see and movies to buy, of college classes in the order I'll do them two years ahead, of party details (multiple times over!), of things I want, books I'd like to read or buy, and the list goes on!

9. I absolutely cannot stand feet. I don't want your feet touching me, even fresh out of a shower. I really think that feet are the nastiest thing on a human body. They touch everything!

Fun Fact: B and I were together for 7 years before I let him touch my feet.

10. It is a dream to swim with sharks -- more specifically, the whale shark and great white shark.

11. I named my kid after the great white shark and my past bird, sort of. It all started when I named my bird the genus name: Carcharodon Carcharias. We knew we wanted his first name to be Cole, but couldn't settle on a middle name. My bird was called Arias for short. Guess my son's middle name!

12. I'm notorious for bringing home strays. I've re-homed more animals than I can count on two hands and I miss all of them dearly.

13. If I won the lottery, I'd pay my parent's house off and renovate it, buy a huge lot of land and let it become a new nature preserve, with no visitors allowed. I'd also put my home somewhere within that land and build a dream house. Then I'd put the rest of the money away after donating a couple million to charities that touch my heart.

14. Laundry and dishes are my least favorite chore. I don't mind vacuuming or even mopping/scrubbing surfaces, at all. Laundry and dishes are just blech for me.

15. I have weird tics. I twirl my hair around a finger when bored. I hum or move my feet/arms when I'm nervous.

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