Monday, December 20, 2010

About Me: Day 13

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Short of doing a letter to actual family members that are upsetting me unknowingly and risking the chance of it being seen in the future, I'll stick to something basic. I seriously have nothing when I try to think of something to write about as there's honestly nothing that's hurt me recently that wouldn't be taboo to write about in one way or another.

So, B and I were playing around today while watching a movie. I brought my face in as he brought his cup-filled hand up and slap -- right in the face, specifically next to my eye. Here we go:

Dear Brandon,

      I really did not appreciate your unintentional assault to my left cheekbone. It seriously hurt me so bad and so surprisingly that I had to sit out for a few minutes, not talking, breathing very slow, and wiping off really obnoxious but uncontrollable tear seepage.

You did a really great job of not pushing me to brush it off immediately. In the past, it's been bad when I'm in pain and others persist in immediately expecting me to talk or allow comfort. I do the very best with a few minutes to let it pass before resuming normal activities.

I'm so glad I have you and that you've learned that about me. And that you respect that about me. But my eye has a swollen little lump next to it now and I really don't like that. At all. It throbbed a bit. Even while I snuggled your chest ten minutes later, I could feel the pressure and the throbbing.

Don't do it again. Or I shall cry and really milk it. I kid. Or do I? I love you.

Yours in Pain,

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