Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alphabet Photos -- Nearly Free

I finally decided it's time to print some alphabet letters and work on finally completing my art. The trouble with that is I couldn't remember for the life of me where the free letters were. Sure, you could go to Flickr's feed of alphabet photos and "take" them for your private use -- but that doesn't seem right to me.

So I searched for cheap or free ones. I found photographers selling their letter art for $40 per 2 letters. With 7 letters in B's family name, that was outrageous. I finally stumbled on these which are free to use. Although to get them through Shutterfly, you're going to pay .15 a print for a 4 x 6. Sure. That's just about free to me! I signed up for Shutterfly and they credit you 50 free 4 x 6 prints! I can get mine for free if I just pay shipping.

I'll take advantage of that 50 free prints and print some of our beach session out as well.

Now that I've ordered them, I've realized I really do need a larger frame (bummer). I can use the frame I planned on using to frame my Mom's name art which she'll enjoy. And I can get those prints for free with the 50!

So, with my 50 credits from Shutterfly, I'm printing the 7 letters for B's family name, the 4 in my family name, and 9 prints of the beach session for my hall wall. I'm looking forward to filling in some of those frames. I paid $2.05 to have 20 prints sent my way. I probably could have got them even cheaper but I'm not complaining. To my knowledge, I can still take advantage of 30 more 4 x 6 prints within the 30 days of my signing up. I'll be stewing that one over while I decide what I could want to print.

Since it was so hard to find free alphabet photographs, I decided I should link it up here. You can follow the link to the shutterfly account. There's also a flickr account here.  Pay special attention for exclamation points on the checkout page. The exclamation means the image isn't large enough to give a good quality print. I had to change two of my photos for the fear of a fuzzy photo.

I'll be posting the completed project if I ever get around to finding a suitable frame for it.

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