Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I started school today. My first class was in Early Childhood Education 314: Child Family Community. The course focus is on a child's development within a community. It's essentially a look at every imaginable factor in a child's life and how they change and shape that child.

My professor is incredibly nice and very smile-prone. Kind of infectious. The mini lecture we got today was amazing. I'm very interested in the course material!

Years back, I was enthralled at ecology (within the animal kingdom) and it seems as if this course is the human version of that.

We were talking about intentional and unintentional socialization a parent puts upon their children. As an example, in regards to hygiene. A mom might teach her child how to brush their teeth and stress the importance of it. That's intentional socialization. A child observing their mother apply make up or blow dry her hair is unintentional socialization.

A child interrupting an adult conversation and being told it's inappropriate is an intentional socialization. The same adult interrupting a child's conversation with a friend or their focused play is an unintentional socialization, but one that a child draws impressions from in regards to interrupting an adult versus a child.

It's much deeper than that but the concept is mind-blowing to me. The mere idea that our mannerisms, opinions, behaviors, and comforts are closely drawn and directly related to those we were exposed to is incredible.

I cannot wait to delve into it further and learn more!

Picture snagged here.

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