Friday, January 14, 2011

About Me: Day 17

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

This is a toughie for me. There are so many people I want to know the inner workings of. I think my number one pick would be my significant other, Brandon.

I'm most ultimately (and acceptably) interested in knowing how things feel (intimately -- cough) or how I'd think as a male. There are oftentimes when B and I discuss hot topic issues or even moral issues or confrontations and we seem to view them from different points or express an alternate reaction. I'm interested in the compulsions behind that. Simply. And he's the one guy I would find most appropriate for the er, intimate side of things.

My other runner ups? My son, Cole. I'd die to know how his little mind whirls. He's so smart and remembers things so well. I'm interested in the thought processes behind the adorable things he says or does. I'm also interested in how small children perceive emotions and feel them.

A wealthy person. This sounds shallow but there are so many things I'd love to do for others if I had the money to. Whoever I chose would probably not enjoy the swap, because my life is rich in experiences but poor in excess wealth. And I'd definitely use their wealth to bestow things upon the world that they quite possibly wouldn't approve. We're talking buying land and designating it building/hunting free. We're talking donating money to great programs. We're talking donating money to animal rescues and promote for them.

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