Tuesday, January 18, 2011

About Me: Day 19

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Val - This is the most basic nickname I have. My name is Valerie and Val is a common nickname for it. I will say though, I hate when people I've just met or barely know use it. In one case, a friend of B's (who was a good friend of his but who I'd had limited exposure to) used it without asking and on the regular, it rubbed me wrong. It's my intimate nickname. Only my closest friends and family call me Val.

Engine Woman - This is a nickname from my father. He never called any of us Princess or that sillyness growing up. We all had very uncommon nicknames. I was his tomboy. I was the one who'd be helping him with the car (handing him tools and such). I was also the one who helped him heft sheets of sheet-rock + plywood onto the roof to patch and re-shingle it all.

Vallie - My mom's nickname for me. She uses it almost more than my own name (which she chose!). Not many people call me Vallie.

Vallie Doo
- My sister's rendition of Mom's nickname for me. She calls me Vallie Doo and I call her Katie Foo, sometimes Katie Foo Doo. Although, I have never been called Vallie Doo Foo, so I'm not quite sure why or when we added Doo to her nickname.

(Bonus: Katie Foo came from my parent's nickname for her: Bunny Foo Foo.)

V (formerly: V-Babe) - This is a nickname my cousin gave me as a teen. It's since been refined for the last few years to just V. Her boyfriend, as well as some of my closer online friends use V to address me as well.

BB - The abbreviation to a personal nickname from Brandon, the significant other. I wouldn't tell my Mom what it means, so I definitely won't be writing it out here. Sorry!

Bunny/Bunneh - This is a nickname from my gamer friends. I'm guilty of playing an online MMO and was at a loss of what to name my character. I looked to my favorite ice cream: Blue Bunny! Since two+ years of the tag, Bunny or Bunneh has become my game name as known in that community.

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