Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our New Couch

We laid out the most money we've ever laid out for a new piece of furniture. We purchased a sectional microfiber couch. The couch is large and comes in three pieces that can be linked together. A sofa, a loveseat, and a chaise.

Photographing the couch has proven to be quite frustrating. Our new apartment living room only has one window for natural lighting and that can cause a glare or darkness as I'm shooting towards the window.

Due to the nature of the couch being micro-fiber, it can appear two-toned when the fibers are brushed in opposite directions. It's a beautiful gray color.

And it's massive. Here's some size comparsions.

My small guy sitting up in the corner of the sofa/loveseat portions next to pillows.

Small guy and B sleeping together on the loveseat portion of the couch.You can just pat the couch cushions and they spring back to life, wrinkle free.

Such a stark contrast to our old couches. I snagged these photos from our old apartment period -- excuse the mess!
The red couch was covered in the last photo in a pathetic attempt to make them match better. Here's a shot of the red, floral couch in use in May 2012 at our new place. 

And the old couches covered, also snagged from our old place (Man, I miss the natural lighting of my old living room).

I feel like this couch overpowers the size of our new living room, but this is a temporary home so we hope that won't be an issue when we purchase our forever home. Do you love it as much as I do?


Purchased at: Beck's Furniture
Couch Make: Ashley Furniture
Couch Model: Alfred Collection

After notes: We're three and a half months into owning the couch and it gets hours of use daily. I'm happy to say that Cole has colored on the couch with ballpoint pen and some dishsoap and water brought it right out. We've found it very easy to spot clean with water (occasionally soap) and a washcloth. The couch cushions get pushed down over time and simple fluffing springs them back to brand new appearance immediately.

I'm sad to note that while B was moving the couch around, he smacked into my lamp and we had a casualty.

RIP hurricane vase. You will be terribly missed! No more bubble vase for me. Do you think it will be remade for the next season? *sniff* I've been using the top shelf of my lamp to hold two-three chapter books I'm currently reading at any time. It works but has much too much potential to become a clutter zone. My eyes are open for a replacement piece.

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