Saturday, June 19, 2010

Craft Hope

I stumbled on a blog called "Craft Hope." The blog is more like an organization that comes up with craft friendly ways to improve the world. The ways you can help extend to hurricane/natural disaster victims and the most recent: the oil spill and animals affected by it.

Each challenge includes a deadline and an address that you can send your craft to, where it will be moved to the appropriate hands.

I'm so touched by this. I'm a crafter and love animals even more. This organization allows for me to flex my creative muscles while also contributing to a cause much bigger than I can ever hope to be.

In addition, let's be honest: Giving makes people feel good. I can go to Wal-Mart and buy a pack of 20 washcloths for $4. I can cut up old towels into wash-cloth sized pieces. I can buy 2-3 bottles of Dawn soap. These things seem insubstantial to me, so small, but when you look at the bigger picture (Craft Hope is counting 803 washcloths to date with half a month to go!), it really does make a difference.

If my 20 washcloths get used three times each before being trashed, that is 60 uses on multiple animals. That is life saving power. That I've contributed to.

You can get involved too. The link to Challenge 8: Project Oil Cleanup.

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