Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chore Chart

We had a chore chart for our son from Melissa and Doug (which you can see in the right side of the first picture but it has since been donated to the local thrift store) but it really didn't get used and it didn't cover the categories that we would have liked. It also didn't allow for repeating a chore multiple times a day.

I decided one night to randomly make my own on a white board so that it could be modified as my son got older and his responsibilities grew or changed.

I used frog tape but because I couldn't find my xacto knife (hello chaos from a move), I just ripped strips with my hands which ended up making for a very uneven graph lining.

Oh well. It's for my five year old. I can always redo it later on if it continues to annoy me.

So we have set values on his chores and I have a running tally notebook where I mark his total for the day and we do a Saturday payout every week.

Simple. Quick. Easy. It would have been more time consuming and more attractive to have even strips. But I don't mind it terribly and I'm not jumping up and down to redo it presently.

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