Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our Summer Months

We had a summer break from school together as a family. Collin was born just a week before finals for the semester that we were attending. The fall semester didn't start until late August. In the break between spring and fall, we did much together as a family. Unfortunately, I do not have much by way of photos to detail that.

We kick-started June with taking photographs of Collin baby. My mother made the turtle beanie and back for baby boy. Unfortunately, he didn't cooperate particularly well for taking many photos in it.

It still turned out pretty cute. I love seeing those slender limbs poking out underneath it.

My mother also made the little bird beanie hat. I picked up the golden basket over a year ago for books in Cole's reading nook. I just padded it with a pillow covered in a neutral case. I added button eyes with cute buttons I found at JoAnn's.

I love the baby bird photos.

Cole took swim lessons and loved them! The summer of 2011, he enjoyed swim lessons but hating submerging his face in the water. This year, it wasn't even an issue. He was always eager to run and leap right in. He got a whole 20 days of swim lessons in across the summer months.

Cole was really sad when swim lessons came to a close. My sister lives at a complex with an awesome pool that is largely unused. We made it a weekly trip for the rest of the summer and the beginning of Fall to visit and swim for a large portion of the day.

We found that our baby slept better and for longer stretches with white noise, but even with white noise -- big brother was regularly waking an over-tired little guy right up. The solution? Noise cancelling headphones with the volume set low (30 decibels is considered the maximum level for infants). The earphones being padded kept them from hurting his head. The headphones also seemed to help when he was getting overstimulated. He gets fussy to this day after a lot of play and stimulation and enjoys laying down with some white noise playing. He'll just stare and zone out. I think it gives his brain a rest and helps him regulate again.

The boys together in July. Collin has really started to fill out. It's such a contrast to Cole, who was very small for his age. I kept some clothing that Cole had as a baby and Collin is months ahead in terms of growth compared to Cole (an example: Collin outgrew at 4 months something that Cole wore at least as late as 8 months per pictures).

Cole is such a proud big brother. He loves being with his little brother and showing him off to others. I hope that never ends.

We really spent August lounging around and enjoying ourselves.

It was some lazy days spent playing with the baby and with each other.
Lots of trips to see grandparents. Lots of fun on the playground outside our complex.

August also marked the end of an old, red floral sofa and mint green loveseat (and the couch covers!). It marked the beginning of our most expensive piece of furniture to date.
You get a sneak peek in this image

and this one too! I usually don't keep blurry images but this one makes me giggle.

We liked August. I hope August 2013 is even better.

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