Sunday, July 24, 2011

Party Planning: Update

So, I'm finalizing details for the party. Here's our specifics.

Saturday, August 6th
Time: 6:30pm
Buy-In: $15 (We decided to go a little less so that people don't have to put up a lot more than they typically would for a poker night. This is a tournament crowd. They're used to $20-25 buy-ins. At $15, they can still afford a 6-pack of beer.)
Food: I'm planning to get taquitos, nacho makings, mixed nuts, pretzels, and wings (all from Costco). His sister had serveware on hand, as well as tables.
Dealer: $20 a hour, not to exceed $75. We won't abuse the poor dealer and keep him more than 4 hours though.
Beer Tasting: I'm thinking about supplying a combo pack of beer for this. But I might not do it since I don't want too much alcohol in place.
Decor: I went really basic and spent under $20 on it. Saving an estimated $35, which can then be allotted to the cake fund. I've got all of the supplies purchased. The decor I bought is shipping to his sister's house so no worry about getting caught there.

Cake: I've ordered this cake, minus the cigar in champagne flavor. Since I want this to be reminiscent of their tournaments (which don't involve smoking), the cigar had to go. It also took $15 off the cost of the cake, which ate nearly half of my budget (yikes!).

The plan is to have my parents watch Cole. B will depart to his dad's for their usual hang-out session. I will run to Costco and get my shopping done. I will run to the bakery and pick up the cake. I will run to his sister's and begin set-up. At about 6:15, his sister will call his Dad. She will ask him if he could run by to help her move something.

B's dad will tell him they need to go to M's house really fast. And voila! We have ourselves a party.

B knows I've ordered a cake for his birthday. No idea what it looks like, or even that it's ordered four days before his actual birthday.

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