Saturday, January 29, 2011

Black, Blue, White, & Gray Kitchen

I think variations of the black and white kitchen are becoming more and more popular. When I decided what colors I wanted in my kitchen, I based them off my favorite dishware -- which I've purchased a good portion of now. I used to work at Macy's in fine china. While there, I kind of became a bit of a dishes snob (I know, I'm sorry!).

I fell in love with Denby stoneware. It's beautiful, it's sturdy, and I had so many customers come in telling me that they'd had their patterns for 20+ years and wanted an excuse to upgrade! It's a bit on the costly side if you don't have coupons or buy during promotions. But it's very versatile. It's dishwasher, microwave, oven safe. They have a bake-ware line of serve-ware, but you can put your plates and bowls into the oven too! It's also pretty resilient if you drop it (short of on concrete).

I swear I'm not being paid by Denby. Just making my excuse for the colors in my kitchen. Well, here's my kitchen inspiration or the mood board!

As always, you can click the picture to see it much larger.

I adore bright, bright (windows!) rooms. I think I want black counter-tops, white cabinetry, with a black/blue subway wall or maybe blue/gray subway wall. I'm a big fan of glass paned cabinets, but would probably like something mix and match (solid/glass). I adore kitchen islands and have always wanted one. I also love the huge cabinet shelving wall + the sandwiched microwave. Genius.

Two rows down, second to right picture: I can't remember where I took that picture from, but I believe it to be from The Gaines Gang. I love that she uses oil dispensers for a cleaner look in her kitchen. She places dish-washing soap and hand sanitizer in them! They're completely practical, while also simple.

The far right corner is actually from my current kitchen. I bought wood words "Live Laugh Love" in super bright colors, painted over them and painstakingly stenciled a checkers pattern on them. Those puppies are white with black squares for those who care.

On the bottom row, the first dishware is from the Jet line by Denby. I own dishes from this collection. The bottom far right is "Blue Jetty" by Denby. This line has been discontinued, sadly, but I own 8 place settings of it!

The bottom row, next to Blue Jetty is a gorgeous wood kitchen picture. I realize that this doesn't match my color scheme but I adore the dual dishwashers! Haven't you ever had too many dishes and wished you had a second dishwasher to cover that? I also love that the dishwasher's face is matching the cabinetry. It hides the ugly in my opinion. Picture from The Pioneer Woman's Lodge Remodel.

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